Tuesday, June 12, 2007

we made it.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

why I shouldn't take pictures of mike (for free)

can we get some kind of corporate lifestyle sponsorship as long as I take photos like this, and mike has that smug-ass model expression on his face?

Why Fucking Oming.

Oh my yes. We hit 3400 miles today. Not only that, we also reached the highest point traveled so far, at 8745 feet. The air was thin, and pretty much useless.

We have definitely made it out of South Dakota. Wyoming is a land of over weight people that stare at you. I even got called a fag tonight. Its also filled full of tiny tourist trap towns that are actually good at trapping us. The cowboy myth is alive and well here. We staying tonight at the famous Antler Inn here in Cody. I understand that Buffalo Bill Cody was the mayor of this place for a while.

This state is also incredibly beautiful. Insane. Take 14 if you ever drive here. Canyons and clouds and all kinds of crazy geography.

Tomorrow we go to Yellow Stone.

Here's some pictures.

I fear for Will's sanity.

Hes a lover, not a fighter.

I'm skeptical of the bovines.

Imagine the scene above for hundreds of miles. Thats Wyoming.

Desert Turd.

At a beef jerky stand in the middle of bloody nowhere.

Still Life with Dashboard

In lieu of showing you the hilarious and dangerous volume of insects caked to our windshield, I'll instead show you this photograph of sunglasses tastefully arranged/violently thrown onto the windshield at sunset before the worst of the little emulsiony-bodied fuckers hit.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Mitchell, SD: Home of the Corn Palace and Dakota Wesleyan University

Dinotopia pt. II

Update: for a full-motion experience, click here (8.6meg quicktime file)

Blood is needed to cover sin, don't forget y'all.

Life-sized T-Rex Hedge/ Chia Pet

I'm a cowboy, baby.

Why yes, that is a smiling humanoid sitting next to a velociraptor

SIGHTED: Pterodactyl flying the skies of South Dakota!! They Live!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Dinotopia, Pt. 1

repressed homosexuality in the southeast:

our commander, nachash

I'm loving this gospel shit. What's important: be feared, be bloody, eat every living thing in sight. sounds kind of like a gangter aesthetic....

oh noes!!! a dinosaur emergest from the shadows and munches mike!

no'th cahlaina

Simone's land is awesome, as are the furry cows of doom!!!1

Sunday, June 3, 2007

our hero


Random Road Sights + Asheville Tomfoolery

The car we wish we owned:

Cryptic Gas Pump Communications
Preserving the morals and sanctity of Pennsylvania. And you know, lawns and shrubs.just look at this photo for a good 10-12 hours and you'll understand this trip better:
Asheville North Carolina, home of the giant turkeyzilla w/ phallus
mike mounts that sumbitch
I strike a pose on ze little piggiez

Immobilized cows in fridges

If you're ever driving through PA on the interstate.. you know, that one, HEED THIS SIGN. The meat is frickin' delicous, the people have no clue who you are or what ungodly alien planet you came from, and the icecream is fucking scrum diddly:

Look at all the delicious fleshmeats! (there was a picture of the $20 pig head, but it was blurry. There was a $20 pig head, I assure you.)
This is thumbs up for Hershey world, but it could just have well been for the sweet jerky we bought at dietrich's. Special Guest Star: Xue Sun!!!!

Breakdown: Middletown, PA

note to prospective travellers: while it may seem quaint, Middletown, PA is not, repeat not the place to break down. Sketchy gangsters and "we don't take kindly"s abound, although there is cheap and plentiful food in former banks: and really, really weird houses for rent:Also, there are no mechanics ANYWHERE near there, and things frequently get struck by lightning, causing a catastrophic loss of streetlights.

Exploration Pennsylvania

So there was this odd, odd house. We explored that sucker. Sketchy basement rafters, diagonal chimneys, huge fireplaces.
Bounty: a nice old hunting shank and a strange ashtray.