Sunday, June 3, 2007

Random Road Sights + Asheville Tomfoolery

The car we wish we owned:

Cryptic Gas Pump Communications
Preserving the morals and sanctity of Pennsylvania. And you know, lawns and shrubs.just look at this photo for a good 10-12 hours and you'll understand this trip better:
Asheville North Carolina, home of the giant turkeyzilla w/ phallus
mike mounts that sumbitch
I strike a pose on ze little piggiez


julie said...

Will, I thought you were lying on a real pig. That would have been awesometastic.

Sarah said...

Ha, welcome to my home! We are very proud of / amused by our phallic object labeled "Vance" and our... metal creatures.
Yeah... I found my way where viz Wesleying and seeing people from Wes riding upon my city's metallic denizens mad me happy. Hope you enjoyed the strange sculpted sights.

Sarah said...

via. not viz.
and made. not mad.
I cannot type.

Braille said...

oh, we did!
(there are more and better ashevilleisms than your gigantosillies, though! I wish there were ways to photograph unadulterated awesomes...)